Veiwing number three has yeilded some interesting findings. Since the food pellet was put in the aquarium the number of copepods and ditoms has increaed exponentially along with gastrotrichas, tachysoma, and aspidisca. I observed an amoeba engulfing a dead copepod, a process known as phagocytosis, which was very interesting. The amount of cyanobacteria has also nearly doubled, with two new sightings of merrismoped around a peice of leaf at the bottom of the tank. The spyrogyra has also been growing a great amount under and in the sediment at the bottom of the aqarium. Also observed in the sediment were nematodes that resembled worms poking and moving through the debris. The last thing that I observed was a protozoa called an epistylis, that was attached to the food pellet, and resembled an ascomycete muchroom. It had a long stem/stalk with an upside down mushroom cap, which I asume is its head. Near the opening were cilia that swirled around collecting food.
Pennak, Robert. Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States. New Tork: The Ronald Press Company, 1953