Sunday, November 9, 2008

MicroAquarium Veiwing #4

Veiwing number four of the microaquairum on novmeber 4, 2008 yeilded some sightings of new organisms in the tank, but for the mosat part nothing had changed except for the number of diatoms and blue green algaes which have grown exponentially, with three new patches of merrismopedia in groups of 100 or more. The first was a nitzchia (Canter-Lundand Lund 1995). Its green color shows that chlorophyll is present and that it releases oxygen. There were several colonies of these that consisted of around 4-10 cells, all located around the cyanobacteria oscillatoria. The most exciting discovery I made in my aqaruium was a Tardigrade or, otherwise, more commonly known as a water bear. I was unable to obtain a picture because the specimen was in the middle of the aquairum crawling around in the sediment. These unusual organaisms are among the most enviromental hardy in the world.
Canter-Lund, H. and Lund, J.W.G. 1995. Freshwater Algae: Their microscopic world explored. Biopress Limited. pg. 131. Fig. 235. pp. 360

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